Monday, December 3, 2012

Toenail Fungus Quiz

One of the most common conditions treated by podiatrists is toenail fungus (onychomycosis).  When infected, toenails become thickened and discolored (often yellow, white or brown).   While always unsightly, severe cases can cause considerable pain, especially when shoes are worn.  When I first started practicing podiatry, treatment options were limited.  However, there are now options available to successfully treat the condition.  First though, let’s take a quiz on toenail fungus. 

1. Nail fungus is a sign of bad hygiene.

True or False

2. Nail fungus is commonly caused by the fungus that causes ringworm.

True or False

3. Failure to treat athlete’s foot will increase your chances of developing toenail fungus.

True or False

4. Common places to catch infections are locker rooms, pool sides, etc.

True or False

5. Fungal infection of the nail may destroy the nail.

True or False

How do you think you did?  The answers to the quiz will be given tomorrow, along with a discussion of the exciting new treatment options available.

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